Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Point of Blogging?

Yesterday I wrote a thoughtful response to a post on a highly politicized education blog. Diane Ravitch hasn't approved my response but has many, many others.

I'm wondering about some things, and I actually don't have answers already in mind.

Should blogs be a place for like minded folks to come together or a place for debate? Should that distinction be explicit?

Do people who read certain blogs stand no chance at hearing the opposition and adjust their thinking after reading comments?

Why do we write publicly and with anecdotes if not for the explicit reason to develop ideas? How are ideas best developed?

1 comment:

  1. Update for my two readers or maybe no readers: My post was published. However, nobody reacted to it. The very active discussion just did not include my comment at all. Ha! Oh well. Probably dodged a black hole of negativity.
